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We provide Quality Home Care With Compassionate Caregivers and Exceptional Service to ensure your dignity, independence and right to choose how you live your life.

Our care services are available in Walnut Creek, California and surrounding communities.

If you want to work with capable, trained caregivers, contact Golden Heart Senior Care Today!

Golden Heart Senior Care Resources

We have created these articles on various topics to provide you and your family with some useful information. If you have other questions about home care services or aging topics, just give us a call

Cleaning for Senior Safety: Seven Ways Home Care Helps

Keeping seniors’ homes both clean and safe is one of the biggest ways to help them age in place well. Family caregivers may need a little help staying on top of all of the various tasks that go into meeting that goal, however. Home care services can do a lot to ensure that seniors live […]

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Why Are Seniors Prone to Depression?

Seniors face a lot of different health issues, including depression. While it might seem that aging adults are more prone to depression, that’s not really true. They can very easily experience depression, however, especially if they spend too much time alone. There are other factors that can contribute, so it helps to understand what they […]

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What Are the Biggest Benefits of Home Care Assistance for Seniors?

One of the ways that families can get support caring for aging family members is through home care assistance. But what is this type of care and what are the benefits for families? Individual Care Solutions No senior has the exact same situation as any other senior. That means that when they have help from […]

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The Impact of Caffeine on Seniors

For many individuals of all ages, using caffeine on a regular basis is a bit of a ritual, especially for coffee drinkers, whose first step in the morning is to brew a cup. However, there are varying thoughts as to whether caffeine is a good or bad thing. This is particularly true for seniors, whose […]

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Personal Care at Home and Preserving Senior Dignity

One of the issues that comes with age is that seniors may start to have more difficulty with personal care tasks. These are tasks that are fairly simple and that almost everyone deals with every day as a regular part of life. Personal care at home offers comprehensive solutions to those challenges, but the idea […]

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Effective Long-distance Caregiving with 24-hour Home Care

Caring for a beloved family member from far away involves some unique challenges, especially when those family members need some more help. With thoughtful planning and the right help, seniors can get the assistance they need, even around the clock. 24-hour home care can offer valuable assistance for seniors and family caregivers who are trying […]

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Companion Care at Home Offers More Than Just Conversation

Mental stimulation is vital for seniors, especially when they want to maintain both cognitive health and overall wellness. There are a lot of different ways for seniors to get mental stimulation, but possibly the easiest way is to start working with companion care at home. Companion caregivers offer more than just friendly conversations, although those […]

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How Can Home Care Enrich Quality of Life for Seniors?

Maintaining a familiar lifestyle is an important goal for aging adults. This is often a big part of why they choose to age in place for as long as they can. Eventually, seniors may need a little more help keeping their quality of life as high as they possibly can. Home care services can offer […]

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Tips and Tricks to Help Seniors Improve Brain Health

It makes sense that as seniors age, they worry more about preserving their mental capacity and general well-being. And while it’s true that aging can cause changes in brain function, seniors who focus on a few tips and trips may increase their chances of staying mentally sharp and energetic for years. Here are some of […]

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5 Things That Will Help Your Mom Sleep Better At Night

Insomnia, sleep apnea, and the symptoms of many different physical conditions can make sleep difficult for seniors. And when seniors can’t sleep they can become anxious, which can make it even harder for them to sleep. But sleep directly impacts health. When seniors aren’t getting enough sleep, their health can suffer because of it. If […]

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