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Things Your Elderly Loved One Can Control About Their Health

Things Your Elderly Loved One Can Control About Their Health

Does your elderly loved one often get stressed about not being able to control things in their life? Maybe they often worry about their health and things that happen outside their control. If this is the case, there are some things that your elderly loved one should know. First of all, there are some things they can control about their health.


One of the main things that your elderly loved one can control is how much or how little exercise. Daily exercise is extremely important. It can help your elderly loved one improve their energy, lose weight, reduce health symptoms, and much more. This is a lot that your elderly loved one has control over when you think about it. You should spend some time talking to your elderly loved one about their exercise plans. Maybe they aren’t currently exercising regularly because they don’t know what to do. If this is the case, you or caregivers can help them out make a plan to exercise from this point forward.

Portion Control

Your elderly loved one also has control over how much or how little they are eating. If they are currently eating large portions for any meal, they can make a plan to change this. It can start by measuring out their food at dinner. This is often a good meal to start with. If they can stick with that portion control plan for about 21 days, then they can add in portion control on another meal of the day. They can also practice portion control with their snacks, as well.

Getting Immunizations

Your elderly loved one can control whether they get immunizations. There are many immunizations that are often recommended for the elderly. For instance, your elderly loved one could choose to get the flu shot every year. They can also talk to their doctor about other immunizations that are recommended. If there are any of these immunizations your elderly loved one has more questions about, they can ask their doctor about the appointments they have.


These are just some of the ways that your elderly loved one can control their health. If they can start by making even one of these choices, they can feel more in control of their overall health. If needed, your elderly loved one can even let their caregivers know what type of help they need with their help. For instance, they might need help managing medications. This is something caregivers can assist with.


If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in Pleasant Hill, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.