Helping Your Senior with Nighttime Struggles

You hear your mom call out from their bedroom and you go in to help her for the fourth time tonight. You are glaring at the clock only to see the night isn’t even half over and you are exhausted. Does this sound familiar? If so, it may be time to consider hiring 24-hour home care to take care of your elderly parent during the night. In the meantime, there are some tips for senior citizen overnight care.
Dealing with Insomnia
One of the common issues amongst elderly people is insomnia. Does your elderly loved one have a difficult time sleeping at night:? If so, one of the things you or home care providers can do is to make their bedroom more sleep-inducing. Some of the ways you can do this include:
- Turning off electronics
- Getting blackout curtains
- Having them do a non-stimulating activity before bed
Hopefully, at least one of these tips will help your aging parent to get better sleep at night. These tips may not work the first few nights, but if your elderly loved one can try them out for a bit, they might help after awhile.
Dealing with Overactive Bladder Issues
Does your elderly loved one have to use the bathroom a lot during the night? Maybe, they even have accidents because they can’t make it to the bathroom quick enough. If this is the case, it may be very tiring trying to help them out of bed and get them safely to the bathroom, especially if they are up multiple times a night and you have other things you need to do during the daytime. If this is the case, you may want to consider hiring 24-hour home care providers. The providers can stay with your elderly parent overnight to help them with getting to and using the bathroom.
Dealing with Chronic Pain
There are many senior citizens who struggle with chronic pain. Sometimes, it is due to arthritis, cancer, degenerative disc disease or a number of other conditions. The truth is that sleeping can be very difficult when someone has chronic pain. If this is the case for your elderly loved one you can hire home care providers to help them get comfortable throughout the night. You can also hire home health care providers to get your elderly loved one the pain medications they need during the night.
Rely on 24-Hour Home Care for Help
These are just some of the many different tips that you can use for your aging parent overnight. If they have other issues such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, or another condition that keeps them up or gets them up throughout the night, 24-hour home care can help them to manage those conditions, too.
Not sure what all home care services your elderly parent or loved one will need? Don’t worry. You can always reach out to our team to find out more about the available overnight services for senior citizens.
If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Moraga, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.