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How Can Alzheimer’s Disease Affect Your Mom’s Personality?

How Can Alzheimer’s Disease Affect Your Mom’s Personality?

If your mom has Alzheimer’s, you may notice some changes in her personality as the disease progresses. Alzheimer’s can affect seniors in many different ways because of the way that it affects the brain. Even though this is a normal symptom of the disease, it can be very difficult to process. If you’re taking care of your mom and you are starting to feel overwhelmed or burned out by the demands of caregiving, Alzheimer’s care at home can help.

Alzheimer’s care at home is specialty care for seniors with Alzheimer’s that live in their own homes. When your mom has Alzheimer’s care at home you can take the time off that you need to process your own emotions knowing that your mom is safe and comfortable.

Some seniors don’t experience any personality changes. But personality changes like these are possible in any senior that has Alzheimer’s:

Increased Irritability or Anger

One of the most common personality changes that you might notice is that your mom becomes more irritable or quick to anger. She may get upset over things that never bothered her before. Simple things, like trying to find her phone or remembering how to turn on the TV, might lead to frustration.

This is because she may be aware that something isn’t right, and it’s frustrating for her. Her memory and thinking skills are declining, and this can make her feel lost or out of control, causing sudden bursts of anger. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine how frustrating it would be to experience those changes.

Anxiety or Fearfulness

Alzheimer's Care in Clayton CA
Alzheimer’s Care in Clayton CA

Your mom may also start to feel more anxious or fearful. Alzheimer’s can make familiar places or people feel strange and confusing to her. This can cause fear.

She might not want to be left alone or might get nervous when doing something as simple as going to the grocery store. She may also become more anxious about her safety, worrying about things like whether the doors are locked or if someone is going to hurt her. This fear can lead to restlessness and make it hard for her to relax.

Alzheimer’s care at home can help with this anxiety because Alzheimer’s care at home is available around the clock. When you can’t be with your mom a caregiver can be so that she feels safe.

Paranoia or Suspicion

As Alzheimer’s gets worse, your mom may begin to believe things that aren’t true. She might start accusing people of stealing from her or think that someone is plotting against her. This is called paranoia.

For example, if she can’t find her purse, she may accuse you or someone else of taking it, even though it’s just misplaced.

Her brain can no longer make sense of certain situations, so she fills in the gaps with false beliefs. This can be hurtful, but it’s important to remember that it’s the disease, not her, causing these thoughts.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies or Socializing

Another common personality change is that your mom may lose interest in things she once loved. If she used to enjoy gardening, knitting, or watching her favorite TV shows, she might suddenly stop caring about them.

This change happens because Alzheimer’s affects her motivation and ability to enjoy activities. She may feel overwhelmed by things that once made her happy, or she may simply forget how to do them.

Becoming More Dependent

As Alzheimer’s progresses, your mom may become more dependent on others, even for simple things. She might start asking for help with tasks she used to do easily on her own, like cooking, cleaning, or paying bills.

This increased dependency can also affect her personality. She may become clingier, always wanting to be near someone because she feels unsure or unsafe on her own.

This can be hard for family members to handle, especially if your mom was once very independent and proud of doing things by herself. Alzheimer’s care at home can make caring for your mom at home easier for you and your siblings.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Alzheimer’s care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.