Celebrate Family Fun Month together this August by having a game night. Have close family members bring one of your dad’s favorite dishes for an early dinner. Once you’ve had the meal, get out board games that multiple generations love and play games until your dad is ready to call it a night. Companion care at home can help your senior stay busy with board games and puzzles throughout the month of August, too.
Here are a few great games to try with your senior:
Apples to Apples
In Apples to Apples, players are dealt cards and must play them in order to fill in the blank shown on the card that’s in play in the center of the table. Suppose the card in the center of the table says, “Things That Are Fake.” You could play “Reality TV” and hope the judge finds it funny enough to give you the point.
I Should Have Known That
I Should Have Known That is a trivia game for people who aren’t great at traditional trivia games. It asks questions that most people won’t have a clue as to what the answer is, so guesses become your best chance at winning. It includes questions like “What is Greece called in Greek?” Earn points if you’re able to guess answers correctly, and lose points for wrong guesses.
This is a game about fast thinking where the person who yells out an answer the fastest gets a point. The card will have a topic on one side and a letter on the other. If you draw, “Book Titles” and flip it over to find the letter L, you have to think of a book that starts with the letter L. Be the fastest to come up with an answer to get the point.
This drawing game works similar to the childhood game Telephone. The first player has a secret word and draws it for the next player to guess, only that player has to draw the guess rather than write it out. The game goes around the table until it reaches the last person who then looks at the drawing they were handed and has to write out what it is.
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride is a strategy game where you take possession of train routes across the U.S., around Europe, or many other geographic areas depending on the game you purchase. If there are children younger than eight, there is also Ticket to Ride: First Journey.
When you don’t live close enough to visit each day or week, who does your dad rely on for help? Does he try to do everything on his own? It’s time to address the benefits of companion care at home services. Let caregivers help him with meals, housework, laundry, and errands.
Companion care at home services also include regular visits to ensure your dad is able to socialize as often as he needs. Call today to learn more.
If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in San Ramon, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.