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Is Your Loved One in Danger of Having Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Elder Care in Clayton CA
Elder Care in Clayton CA

March is Deep Vein Thrombosis Month or DVT Month. A DVT refers to a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, such as those in the legs, pelvis, thighs, and arms. This month, people are called to know awareness of what a DVT is, how or why it may occur, and how to recognize it. While in many cases, a DVT doesn’t cause much harm, it could possibly have a part of the blood clot break off and head to the lungs, reducing blood supply and being fatal. Helping your loved one recognize when he develops a DVT may help him prevent a pulmonary embolism. You, your senior and an elder care provider can watch for these signs of a DVT and also take steps to reduce the risk of one developing.

Let’s start with the symptoms of a possible DVT.

If your loved one complains of any of these symptoms to you or his elder care team suddenly occurring in his legs or arms, he should be brought to the hospital right away.

  • A swelling in one leg or arm that doesn’t affect the other limb.
  • If his leg or arm feels warm when your elder care provider touches it.
  • The leg or arm changes color and becomes more red or purple
  • A sudden cramp or soreness that often begins in the calf muscle.

Your loved one may be more at risk for DVT if he has any of these risk factors, but it can occur to anyone.

Over 60
While it can occur at any age, those over 60 are more likely to develop a DVT.

Being Obese
Extra weight puts more pressure on the veins of the pelvis and legs and could lead to a DVT.

Lack of Mobility
If you are caring for an elderly loved one that is bedridden due to an illness or recovery from surgery, his chances of developing a DVT are higher. It can also increase with those who sit for long flights on airplanes or generally just sit most of their day. When the legs aren’t moving, the calf muscles don’t contract and help the blood flow through the veins of the legs. When possible, it’s important to regularly move and stretch the legs.

Being a Smoker
Smokers are more likely to develop a DVT due to how smoking affects blood flow and clots.

Heart Failure
Someone with heart failure doesn’t have a heart and lungs that work as well as they should, making the risk of DVT increase.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
DVT risk can increase for those who have Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis.

If you think your loved one has developed a DVT, contact his health provider. Most likely they will want to see him so they can monitor it and make sure it doesn’t break off and create a much more serious Pulmonary Embolism.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Is it Really Possible for Your Senior to Age in Place?

Has your senior told you that she wants to age in place for as long as possible? That’s a wonderful goal, if it’s actually something that she can achieve.

What Does She Need?

Take a closer look at what your senior needs in order to age in place. Does her home need modifying? Or would a declutter get her where things need to be? You also need to understand what her health needs are both now and in the future. That’s going to help you to project and fill in the blanks a little bit to try and meet her needs more accurately. You won’t be able to predict everything, but if you can start to understand now what she’ll need later, you have a more accurate picture.

How Likely Is it She’ll Change Her Mind?

Your elderly family member may be committed to the idea of aging in place right now, but how likely is it that she’s going to change her mind? Of course, a lot of that depends on what she needs and how well you think you’ll be able to meet her needs if she stays right where she is. If something dramatic were to change, how would your senior want to handle that? It’s better to ask that now while you’re still in the planning phase.

Is She Mobile?

It’s also important to look at your senior’s mobility needs. Is she able to get around well now? Is she still exercising or is she fighting that? What she’s doing now is going to affect her future, regardless of what else happens down the line. You need to have a plan for what happens if her mobility needs change, too. Is her home set up to be able to accommodate a wheelchair or a walker?

Will She Accept Help?

The other big consideration is whether your elderly family member is willing to accept help or not. If she’s resistant to help now, that can be problematic if she does continue to age in place. No one is an island and eventually she’s going to need assistance. Whether that help comes from you or from elder care providers, she’s going to be far closer to her goal of aging in place if she accepts assistance willingly.

There’s a lot that goes into this decision, both for you and for your senior. No matter how much you may admire and respect her wishes to continue to age in place, you have to be realistic about the situation, too.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Five Ways to Lower Your Stress in 2020

Everyone deals with stress during their life. It’s the body and mind’s way of handling difficulties. There’s the stress you feel taking exams or hearing a strange noise in your car while driving in a remote area. There’s also the stress you encounter doing hard work. Caregiver stress is manageable if you use these five techniques for keeping stress to a minimum.

Change Your Diet

Dietary changes can help you feel better. In moderation, dark chocolate provides antioxidants that help with stress. You do need to watch sugar intake, so keep the dark chocolate consumption to the recommended limits.

Aim for foods that are high in B vitamins and vitamin C. When you’re stressed, your body uses these vitamins to help balance stress hormones. Make sure you’re increasing them. Omega-3 fatty acids also help regulate stress hormones.


When you go weeks or months without talking to others, your mental health is affected. Take time to go out with friends. Seek social activities like book reading groups or cooking classes. Do whatever it takes to meet others, spend time with family and friends, and get away from your duties as a caregiver for a few hours a week or more.

Get Fresh Air

Take time each day to go outside and get fresh air. You want that time out of the home to clear your mind, get some natural light from the sun, and exercise. You could work out inside on a treadmill, but the fresh air and vitamin D from the sun will help a lot.

Sign Up for Tai Chi or Yoga Classes

Tai Chi is an Asian martial arts program. Yoga is a spiritual and physical discipline originating in India. Both tone muscle, stamina, and balance. The reason they’re recommended for reducing stress is that they also focus on finding your center and deep breathing to help you relax and calm your body and mind.

If you attend a class, you gain a level of socialization. Bring your parents and exercise together. There are at-home programs you can follow. Buy DVDs or access videos on YouTube or certain streaming channels.

Arrange Home Care Services and Take Breaks

The final way to de-stress when you’re a family caregiver is by taking breaks. Don’t try to help your parents with everything by yourself. Accept help from other family members and friends. Arrange elder care aides to take over while you go on a short vacation, run errands, or take care of other obligations. An elder care specialist can help you with caregiver prices and schedules.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.