Seniors need exercise. Study after study shows that consistent movement can make a huge difference in the health of seniors as they get older. Walking is one of the best things that seniors can do because it can be adapted to suit the needs of almost any senior. Seniors who have no mobility challenges can walk fast, challenge themselves to hikes, or enjoy long daily walks that include a variety of terrain. Seniors that have mobility challenges or have old injuries that limits their movements can walk around the block or take short walks through the neighborhood and still get the benefits of walking. Fast or slow, long distance or short, smooth pavement or hiking trails none of that matters. Walking is good for seniors no matter how they do it. Some of the biggest benefits of walking for seniors are:
Weight Loss
Seniors that need to lose some weight can lose weight walking. It’s not necessary for seniors to go through extreme workouts or push their bodies into long periods of exercise to lose weight. Making smart dietary choices and walking every day can be enough to help seniors lose weight. It helps if seniors have in-home care so that they get help cooking healthy meals and shopping for healthy food. But seniors can lose weight by walking.
Better Sleep
Another benefit that comes from daily walking is better sleep. There are millions of seniors that struggle with insomnia and poor sleep. Often seniors have anxiety at night or suffer from anxiety. But daily walks can help seniors reduce their stress levels. And physical exercise is a great way to correct the body’s Circadian rhythm so that seniors are tired at night and will sleep better. Within a walk of starting regular walks many seniors report being able to fall asleep faster and staying asleep longer than they did when they weren’t walking.
Stronger Core Muscles
Walking is great exercise for the legs, but it also works the core muscles and the arms and shoulders too, especially if seniors wear hand weights or pump their arms while they walk. Increasing core strength will help seniors move more easily, breathe deeper, and hold themselves up better. Increasing core strength is something that many doctors recommend but ab workouts can be difficult for seniors. Walking is really a full body exercise without the stress and struggle of a strenuous workout.
Better Mental Health
Getting outdoors into the fresh air every day can significantly improve a senior’s mental health. Seniors with in-home care who are able to walk daily while a care provider helps with the household chores report lower rates of depression and anxiety than seniors who don’t walk regularly. Being outdoors in nature can be very healing and lower stress. Seniors who can handle walking on an unpaved trail can enjoy big mental health benefits from hiking as well as the physical benefits. Encourage your senior parent to go hiking for their health.
If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in San Ramon, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.