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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

As you get older, it can be harder to manage your house without help, which can make aging in place harder than it needs to be. If you want to age in place, you may need the help of family members, cleaners, and in-home care to continue living a high-quality life. In-home care can help with daily tasks such as getting dressed, cooking meals, reminders, and helping you stick to a routine. But they may also help with things like laundry and smaller chores that help keep your house clean, like dusting and vacuuming to reduce dust and dander. These are important tasks that improve air quality.

Here are a few things to know about improving air quality for seniors aging in place:

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters for Seniors?

When your house has poor indoor air quality it can have several impacts on your health as a senior. It can lead to more allergies especially if you have animals, extra fatigue throughout the day, irritation of your lungs, headaches, and eye aches. Keeping your house clean is one part of controlling the air quality but there may be more that you or in-home care can do to keep the indoor air quality better. Here are tips you can use to get your air cleaner!

Use an Air Filter

Your home may come with HVAC which has an air filter but you may need to buy an additional one if you have more animals. These can be places around your home to purify the air and keep it cleaner. It will remove dust, dander, hair, and other allergens that could be bothersome. This is crucial to maintaining a clean home. On the other hand, these do require maintenance. You need to change the filter occasionally or clean them out to ensure they are empty and usable. If you don’t clean these out they become clogged, dirty, and may not help the air quality around the house.

Clean Your Vents

Your house will have vents that help the airflow of your home. They will usually push out hot or cold air to keep your house at a lovely temperature. However, these also need to be maintained especially if you own your house, no one else will do it. You need to dust the outside of them regularly, but you may also need to clean the insides of them too. It’s important you dust them to keep your house from spreading allergens. A quick dust on the top of each vent can be done once a week and a deep clean should be done once every few months. This may be something an adult child or house cleaner needs to help you with.

Keep The Carpet Clean

Carpet and rugs can be the best for your home because they trap any dust, dander, and dirt, and it truly won’t spread in the air. But that is good and bad news. Yes, it traps things for you, but that also means you have to clean your rugs and carpets regularly. You should be vacuuming your carpets as often as one time a week. If you have animals you may need to clean the carpets like two or three times a week. In-home care may help you do small areas once a week if you ask them for help!

If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Walnut Creek, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Symptoms Of Shingles Seniors Should Watch Out For

Seniors have a high risk of developing shingles, a painful skin rash that can cause serious medical problems. Seniors are often advised to get a vaccination that may help protect them from shingles. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox in children. And like children seniors can develop serious skin infections and other problems related to shingles.

Seniors who get shingles may be in pain and struggling to get rid of the virus for a long time. In-home care can help seniors who are affected by shingles by helping with things like meals and housecleaning. And in-home care can help seniors make sure they don’t develop skin infections or conditions related to shingles. Seniors should know these symptoms of shingles and get to their doctor immediately if they notice any of these symptoms:

Pain and Tingling Sensations

Shingles typically begins with localized pain, tingling, or burning sensations in a specific area of the body. These sensations often appear on one side of the body and can be intense. Seniors may notice these symptoms even before the rash appears. If seniors do notice pain and tingling in their face, hands, or another part of the body they should make a doctor’s appointment right away.


Within a few days of experiencing pain and tingling, a rash develops in the affected area. This rash consists of small, fluid-filled blisters that are often grouped together. The rash can be itchy and can occur anywhere on the body but typically follows a dermatomal pattern, meaning it appears along the path of a specific nerve. Any time a senior develops a rash they should see a doctor. It’s very easy for rashes to lead to skin infections if seniors scratch at the rash or if the blisters pop exposing the skin to germs.

Redness and Swelling

The rash is accompanied by redness and swelling in the affected area. The skin may become inflamed and warm to the touch. Home remedies like an oatmeal paste may help alleviate any redness or soreness.


The fluid-filled blisters that make up the shingles rash can be painful and sensitive. Over the course of several days, these blisters may rupture, ooze, and form crusts as they begin to heal. Never pop blisters. Seek medical treatment immediately to make sure they don’t become infected.


The rash and blisters associated with shingles can be intensely itchy, leading to discomfort for seniors. Home remedies and anti-itch creams can help seniors avoid the temptation to scratch their skin.

Fever and Chills

Some seniors may develop a low-grade fever and experience chills when they have shingles. These systemic symptoms are often accompanied by fatigue.


Seniors with shingles may experience headaches, which can be attributed to the overall discomfort and stress associated with the infection.

Sensitivity to Touch

The affected area may become sensitive to touch, and clothing or even a gentle breeze can exacerbate discomfort.

Muscle Pain

Muscle pain, especially in the area surrounding the rash, can be another symptom of shingles in older adults.

Nausea and Upset Stomach

Some seniors may experience gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, upset stomach, or diarrhea.


If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Walnut Creek, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.