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How Can Alzheimer’s Disease Affect Your Mom’s Personality?

If your mom has Alzheimer’s, you may notice some changes in her personality as the disease progresses. Alzheimer’s can affect seniors in many different ways because of the way that it affects the brain. Even though this is a normal symptom of the disease, it can be very difficult to process. If you’re taking care of your mom and you are starting to feel overwhelmed or burned out by the demands of caregiving, Alzheimer’s care at home can help.

Alzheimer’s care at home is specialty care for seniors with Alzheimer’s that live in their own homes. When your mom has Alzheimer’s care at home you can take the time off that you need to process your own emotions knowing that your mom is safe and comfortable.

Some seniors don’t experience any personality changes. But personality changes like these are possible in any senior that has Alzheimer’s:

Increased Irritability or Anger

One of the most common personality changes that you might notice is that your mom becomes more irritable or quick to anger. She may get upset over things that never bothered her before. Simple things, like trying to find her phone or remembering how to turn on the TV, might lead to frustration.

This is because she may be aware that something isn’t right, and it’s frustrating for her. Her memory and thinking skills are declining, and this can make her feel lost or out of control, causing sudden bursts of anger. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine how frustrating it would be to experience those changes.

Anxiety or Fearfulness

Your mom may also start to feel more anxious or fearful. Alzheimer’s can make familiar places or people feel strange and confusing to her. This can cause fear.

She might not want to be left alone or might get nervous when doing something as simple as going to the grocery store. She may also become more anxious about her safety, worrying about things like whether the doors are locked or if someone is going to hurt her. This fear can lead to restlessness and make it hard for her to relax.

Alzheimer’s care at home can help with this anxiety because Alzheimer’s care at home is available around the clock. When you can’t be with your mom a caregiver can be so that she feels safe.

Paranoia or Suspicion

As Alzheimer’s gets worse, your mom may begin to believe things that aren’t true. She might start accusing people of stealing from her or think that someone is plotting against her. This is called paranoia.

For example, if she can’t find her purse, she may accuse you or someone else of taking it, even though it’s just misplaced.

Her brain can no longer make sense of certain situations, so she fills in the gaps with false beliefs. This can be hurtful, but it’s important to remember that it’s the disease, not her, causing these thoughts.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies or Socializing

Another common personality change is that your mom may lose interest in things she once loved. If she used to enjoy gardening, knitting, or watching her favorite TV shows, she might suddenly stop caring about them.

This change happens because Alzheimer’s affects her motivation and ability to enjoy activities. She may feel overwhelmed by things that once made her happy, or she may simply forget how to do them.

Becoming More Dependent

As Alzheimer’s progresses, your mom may become more dependent on others, even for simple things. She might start asking for help with tasks she used to do easily on her own, like cooking, cleaning, or paying bills.

This increased dependency can also affect her personality. She may become clingier, always wanting to be near someone because she feels unsure or unsafe on her own.

This can be hard for family members to handle, especially if your mom was once very independent and proud of doing things by herself. Alzheimer’s care at home can make caring for your mom at home easier for you and your siblings.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Alzheimer’s care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

5 Ways Seniors Can Improve Their Emotional Wellness At Home

October is National Emotional Wellness Month and now it a great time to find ways to help your senior parent improve their emotional wellness. Making sure that your senior mom or dad is emotionally healthy living at home is just as important as making sure that they are physically healthy.

Seniors who are living at home have a high risk for loneliness, depression, and anxiety because they don’t get as much social contact as they need. Visits and phone calls from family members go a long way toward helping seniors stay emotionally healthy, but it’s not always possible for family members to completely meet their senior parent’s emotional needs.

If you’re worried that your mom or dad may be lonely as they age at home try talking to them about some of these highly recommended ways for seniors to improve their emotional wellness at home:

Companion Care At Home


Companion Care at Home in San Ramon CA
Companion Care at Home in San Ramon CA

Companion care at home is a wonderful way to make sure that your mom or dad is getting the social engagement they need. When your senior parent has companion care at home they get regular visits from a companion who will spend time with them. A companion will share meals, conversation, and activities with your mom or dad.
A companion that visits your mom or dad on a set schedule may play games with them, do puzzles, watch movies, or help them learn more about hobbies that interest them.

Making Donation Items

Seniors sometimes struggle to find a sense of purpose, or a reason to get up each day. Making items to donate to charity can be a fantastic hobby for your mom or dad. Making things with their hands can relieve stress, improve happiness, and give them a sense of accomplishment.

There are hundreds of organizations that need handmade donation items like pet rescues and shelters which accept handmade blankets and crate pads, NICUs that always need warm and cozy hats, booties, and blankets for babies, and charities that collect cards, letters, and other items to send to other lonely seniors.

Taking Online Classes

Online classes are a way for seniors to stimulate their minds and explore subjects they were interested in but never had time to pursue. Your mom could have wanted to study fine art, but never had the time before. Or your dad may enjoy taking a class that is an in-depth look at his favorite historical time period.

There are many colleges and universities that now offer classes online for free, or have free video overviews of different topics.

Joining The Library

Even if your mom or dad can’t easily get out of the house they should join the local library. Since the pandemic many libraries have expanded their services and now offer digital books, video book clubs and discussion groups, and many other social opportunities that are perfect for seniors. And it’s all free.

Using Social Media

Using social media is also free, and it can be a fun way for seniors to reconnect with family and friends. Some seniors are even making their own social media content and making social connections with people of all different age groups.


If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in San Ramon, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

When a blood clot occurs in one of the deep veins of the body, usually in the legs, it is called a deep vein thrombosis or DVT. A DVT can cause swelling and pain but sometimes occurs without any noticeable symptoms. While there isn’t usually any great risk of blood clots in the legs, the danger lies in the fact that it may break loose and head to another area of the body where it could cause serious issues and possibly even death. It can travel through the bloodstream and get lodged in the lungs, blocking blood flow and causing a pulmonary embolism.

Who is at Risk for Getting a DVT?

A DVT can happen to anyone at any time, but certain conditions and health issues may make having DVT more common. And because your loved one is elderly, his risk naturally increases each decade of his life after 60, compounding the risks listed below.

  • Being Overweight. Obesity increases the risk of developing DVT because of the increased pressure on the veins located within the legs and pelvis.
  • Being a Smoker. Those who smoke increase the risk of developing DVTs because of the damage to how the blood flows through the body due to smoking.
  • Having some cancers and/or going through some cancer treatments. If your loved one has cancer or is currently being treated for cancer, talk to his doctor if it will put him at greater risk for developing a DVT.
  • Having Heart Failure. Because the lungs and heart don’t work as strongly as they would in a healthy person, someone with heart failure may be more dangerously affected by even a small DVT that breaks off.
  • Not Moving for Long Periods. One of the most common triggers of DVT is the lack of movement. International flights where you sit for 8-10 hours at a time can increase this risk. The risk is also increased for anyone who is bed-ridden, or wheelchair-bound.

Home Care Assistance Can Help Seniors Reduce the Risk of DVTs

If you know your loved one is going to be bedridden or wheelchair-bound for a significant amount of time, having a home care assistance provider visit to help stimulate blood flow in the leg and assist with moving around can help reduce the risk of your loved one developing a DVT that could break off and lead to serious consequences. A home care assistance provider can help your loved one stretch out his legs or walk around if that is possible.

A home care assistance provider may also be able to help with lifestyle changes that will have positive impacts on your loved one’s overall health, including reducing his risk for a DVT. A home care assistance provider can help make healthy meals to keep his weight at a healthy level and support him with daily exercise to keep the legs moving and increase the caloric intake he needs each day, so he doesn’t put on more weight. A home care assistance provider can even help if your loved one is ready to quit smoking by providing support and accountability.

Finally, your loved one’s doctor may suggest he wear compression socks to help reduce his risk of developing a DVT. These can be difficult for some elderly people to put on properly: a home care assistance provider can help.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Cleaning for Senior Safety: Seven Ways Home Care Helps

Keeping seniors’ homes both clean and safe is one of the biggest ways to help them age in place well. Family caregivers may need a little help staying on top of all of the various tasks that go into meeting that goal, however. Home care services can do a lot to ensure that seniors live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home.

Regular Cleaning and Disinfecting

As seniors age, it gets tougher to do even the most basic cleaning, much less sanitizing and disinfecting the house. Elder care providers can take care of a lot of these basic tasks, like dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, and keeping surfaces clean and disinfected. This can have a direct impact on reducing issues like allergies and keeps germs in check.

Decluttering for Fall Prevention

Falls are one of the biggest health risks for seniors. Removing clutter goes a long way toward helping seniors to avoid a fall, but this is a big job. Home care providers can clear pathways, help seniors rearrange furniture, and removing unnecessary items. Afterward, senior care providers help aging adults keep clutter to a minimum.

Maintaining Clean Bathrooms

Bathrooms in particular have a lot of hazards in them, and they also need to be as clean as possible. Some of the ways to make the bathroom safer include installing grab bars, putting shower chairs in the tub, and making the toilet more accessible. Once the bathroom is safer, it’s crucial to keep it clean as well, and home care can help with that.

Keeping Up with Laundry

Laundry takes up a lot more time and energy than many people realize until it starts to get difficult. When seniors aren’t keeping up with laundry on their own, that can mean they’re unable to change into clean clothing. This leads to skin issues that can worsen and become bigger problems. It’s also important for seniors to have access to clean bedding and other linens, both for hygienic reasons and for comfort.

Performing Regular Safety Inspections

Home maintenance isn’t just about keeping a home looking good. It’s also about keeping the home safe to inhabit. For seniors, these tasks become more challenging and they might not even notice when a situation is becoming riskier for them. Home care providers notice potential safety hazards and ensure that family caregivers are aware of what’s going on.

Managing Hazardous Chemicals and Supplies

Medications, cleaning supplies, and other hazardous substances are a huge potential problem for aging adults. Some of these chemicals and supplies might even need to be locked away in order to keep seniors safe. Home care providers can help with this task, keeping seniors safer in their homes.

Paying Attention to Kitchen Cleanliness

When the kitchen is dirty or food is stored improperly, seniors are at a greater risk of accidents and illness. Home care providers help to keep the kitchen organized and clean. Home care assistance also helps seniors to eat healthy meals regularly, ensuring the food is stored properly and cooked to proper temperatures.

Senior safety is the key to successfully aging in place. Home care helps aging adults to have the support they need with the tasks that might be getting too difficult for them to handle alone, like cleaning and recognizing safety issues.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Danville, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Why Are Seniors Prone to Depression?

Seniors face a lot of different health issues, including depression. While it might seem that aging adults are more prone to depression, that’s not really true. They can very easily experience depression, however, especially if they spend too much time alone. There are other factors that can contribute, so it helps to understand what they are and what might help. One solution that works well is companion care at home.

Physical Health Problems

Physical issues, like health problems, are a common reason for seniors to become depressed. It’s understandable how that could cause distress for someone, especially when illness affects mobility and causes pain. Constantly struggling with health problems is not enjoyable and seniors may self-isolate. When companion caregivers stop by and spend time with them, that can help immensely.

Grief and Loss

Often seniors have experienced a lot of loss and grief throughout their lives. This can leave them feeling alone. Experiencing multiple losses makes it difficult for seniors to bounce back and cope with life’s demands. Spending time with other people can often help to alleviate some of those feelings.

Social Isolation

Seniors can become isolated for a lot of different reasons. They may gradually experience worsening mobility which keeps them home alone more or they may find that friends and family members move away or are increasingly busy with their own issues. For whatever reasons seniors are more isolated, what matters most is that they find a way to spend time with others. Companion care at home can do that for them.

Cognitive Changes

Seniors who are experiencing cognitive changes may need more hands-on help from home care providers. But they can also feel more isolated and experience depression because of the changes they’re experiencing in their lives. Routines that include time with companion caregivers can help seniors feel connected to the world around them again.


Sometimes the medications that seniors take to solve some of their health problems have side effects that aren’t very fun, like depression. If this is the case, seniors may want to talk to their doctors about what options might work better for them, if possible. Sometimes that isn’t possible, so it’s important for seniors to look for other ways to reduce depression, like spending time with other people and on self-care.

Changes in Living Situations

When seniors have to face changes in their living situations, especially ones they weren’t prepared to experience, that can lead to depression. Becoming more comfortable at home and having companion caregivers available to spend time with them can help quite a bit. Stability and a sense of security are easier to experience when seniors have something to look forward to.

If seniors are experiencing depression, it’s important for family caregivers to take the time to figure out what might be contributing to the depression. The solution might not always be as easy as bringing in companion care at home, but having someone to spend time with regularly is something that can be a positive solution regardless.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

What Are the Biggest Benefits of Home Care Assistance for Seniors?

One of the ways that families can get support caring for aging family members is through home care assistance. But what is this type of care and what are the benefits for families?

Individual Care Solutions

No senior has the exact same situation as any other senior. That means that when they have help from home care services, they have unique needs that don’t fit a cookie-cutter plan. Care services assess seniors’ needs and put an individual plan together to work for everyone involved.

Familiarity and Comfort

Part of why seniors opt to age in place is because they want to stay where they are comfortable and surrounded by familiarity. Home care assistance works to keep seniors as comfortable as possible, while also helping them to stay safe.

Improved Independence

Seniors want to maintain their independence, which can make some of them think twice about accepting help from elder care services and even family caregivers. The reality is that when seniors have help with daily activities, they’re empowered to do more of what they are able to do. They conserve energy and keep their independence.

Security and Safety

Safety is absolutely crucial for aging adults and part of why family caregivers are interested in home care assistance is to keep seniors safer. Caregivers spend time with seniors and learn how to help them be as safe as possible. They can also spot safety issues and warn families about them so they can make changes.

Social Engagement

Seniors who are aging in place still need to have social interaction. Unfortunately, though, they can find themselves becoming isolated very easily. Home care providers get to know seniors and engage them in conversation. They spend a lot of time with aging adults, helping them to feel less alone and isolated.

Flexibility and Convenience

Some seniors need a lot of help, but others need only a little. In some cases, seniors may want very specific help, but want to do most things on their own. Because home care assistance is so individually tailored, the help that seniors receive is flexible and solves the issues they’re facing.

Improved Quality of Life

When seniors know that they’re supported and when they are getting their needs met, their overall quality of life is going to be much better overall. This helps so much with mental and physical health, keeping seniors engaged in the world around them.

Improved Family Support

It’s tough to be a family caregiver. There are demands everywhere and family caregivers can feel pulled in too many different directions. If they’re not sure they’re helping in the right ways, they may feel uncomfortable, too. But home care providers help family caregivers understand more about their senior’s needs and get time away when they need it.

Home care assistance is there to help families and seniors to make the most of aging in place. Seniors’ needs change over time, and home care can adapt to keep up with those various needs as they become more complicated to manage alone.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Orinda, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Companion Care at Home Offers More Than Just Conversation

Mental stimulation is vital for seniors, especially when they want to maintain both cognitive health and overall wellness. There are a lot of different ways for seniors to get mental stimulation, but possibly the easiest way is to start working with companion care at home. Companion caregivers offer more than just friendly conversations, although those are nice, too.

More Than Just Talking

Companion care at home is an easy source of conversation, of course. For seniors who don’t get out much or who aren’t able to spend time with other people as much as they might want, it’s helpful to have someone else there. But seniors need more than just conversation and elder care providers can help with that.

Tailored Care for Individual Needs

Some seniors like a lot of companionship while others need more time alone. Because of that, it’s helpful for aging adults to have options when it comes to working with companion caregivers. This type of care is very easy to customize, even as individual preferences change over time. It also helps seniors to feel more in control when they have a say how often they interact with companion caregivers.

Improving Cognitive Function

Companion caregivers get to know the seniors they spend time with regularly, so they get to know many of their preferences. Engaging in conversation, trying activities, and solving problems are all different ways to improve cognitive function in seniors. Being around other people is mentally stimulating in and of itself, so having home care providers there is a massive cognitive boost.

Reducing Boredom

Boredom is a huge problem for seniors. When they’re spending a lot of time alone and don’t have a lot of mental stimulation, that has a huge impact. Spending time with companion caregivers automatically alleviates boredom. That boost can inspire seniors to be willing to try new things, further reducing boredom.

Reducing Loneliness

Spending too much time alone is a common problem for aging adults. Often the other people in their lives are busy with other obligations and responsibilities. Many also live far away, making it difficult for seniors to spend time around the people they care about most. Companion care at home helps reduce loneliness simply by being there, but they can also help seniors get to events where they can be around other people more often.

Boosting Mood

Spending time with other people does a lot to boost moods for seniors, too. Even the anticipation of being around other people can do a lot to help improve moods. As seniors connect more with other people, they also feel a greater sense of purpose and accomplishment, which is important for overall well-being.

Companion care at home is a huge part of helping seniors to improve their overall quality of life. They offer conversation, but that’s just a small part of how they help aging adults to have a better experience every day. Spending time with other people, even just a few hours a week, can have a huge impact on how seniors feel about their lives.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Danville, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

How Can Home Care Enrich Quality of Life for Seniors?

Maintaining a familiar lifestyle is an important goal for aging adults. This is often a big part of why they choose to age in place for as long as they can. Eventually, seniors may need a little more help keeping their quality of life as high as they possibly can. Home care services can offer the support that seniors need to have the best quality of life as they continue to live their lives.

Cognitive Stimulation

Keeping their brains healthy and stimulated is so important for aging adults. There are lots of ways to help seniors keep their brains active and engaged. Conversation, memory games, reading, puzzles, and similar activities all foster cognitive stimulation and health. Spending time with elder care providers helps seniors to get more cognitive stimulation because of the activities that seniors engage in with caregivers.

Creative Expression

Being able to express themselves creatively is another enriching activity for aging adults. There’s no one way to practice creative expression, either. Seniors can engage in all sorts of arts, crafts, writing, or even making music. Finding new ways to express creativity helps to boost mental and emotional well-being for aging adults.

Physical Activity

Pretty much everyone has heard that physical activity is important for aging adults. But it doesn’t have to be exhausting or unpleasant in order for seniors to get benefits from moving more. Home care providers can help seniors remember to move more, even engaging in activities like impromptu dance parties in the afternoon.

Nutritional Assistance

Eating right helps boost overall well-being and quality of life, too. For many seniors, keeping up with meal preparation and planning is not easy to do, however. Home care providers help seniors to focus on what they can do and what they want to do while offering them healthy and delicious foods to eat on a daily basis.


Social isolation robs seniors of so much enjoyment in life. Aging adults can easily become isolated simply because they start to have more trouble getting out and about or they stop driving. That can mean that they just aren’t able to keep up with social engagements any longer. Caregivers offer friendly conversation and companionship that is easy and that comes to seniors in their own homes.

Customized Home Care Plans

Every senior has different likes and dislikes. They also have different needs, requiring different types of care plans. Home care services offer unique plans for each person they help. Everyone has the assistance they need to meet their individual goals in their own timeframes. As needs and preferences change, the plans can change just as quickly.

Independence and Autonomy

Probably the most important part of helping seniors have the best possible quality of life involves protecting their independence and autonomy. Elder care providers are there to support seniors in the ways that they need and want, while allowing them to make their own choices about their daily lives. They’re supported in being who they are.

Home care services offer essential assistance in keeping seniors moving toward the best possible quality of life, whatever that means for them as an individual.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Concord, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Tips and Tricks to Help Seniors Improve Brain Health

It makes sense that as seniors age, they worry more about preserving their mental capacity and general well-being. And while it’s true that aging can cause changes in brain function, seniors who focus on a few tips and trips may increase their chances of staying mentally sharp and energetic for years. Here are some of the ways seniors can improve brain function and how elder care might help them achieve their goals.

Remain Physically Active

Exercise is important for keeping the brain healthy in addition to being good for the body. Frequent exercise enhances overall cognitive function, stimulates the creation of new brain cells, and boosts blood flow to the brain. Walking, swimming, yoga, and Tai Chi are a few gentle yet effective fitness options that seniors can incorporate into their everyday routines. Elder care can help them increase their physical activity by encouraging them to get up and move throughout the day or even participating in the activity with them.

Keep Testing the Mind

To remain in good health, the brain needs regular exercise, just like the body. Seniors can try their hand at games like chess, Sudoku, crosswords, and learning a new language, or take up some brain teasers. Developing a new skill or pastime keeps their mind active and promotes the creation of new neural connections. Again, having elder care by their side helps, as it gives seniors built-in socialization opportunities and the chance to test their minds.

Focus on Socialization

Speaking of socialization, engaging in social interactions is beneficial to the brain. Frequent social contact helps prevent depressive and lonely moods, which can impair cognitive performance. Fostering social ties is essential for maintaining brain health, whether it takes the form of volunteering, joining a club, or just spending time with friends and family.

Eat Foods That Promote Brain Health

Keeping the brain healthy requires a balanced diet. Seniors should concentrate on eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. This consists of an abundance of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Additionally, drinking sufficient water throughout the day is important for maintaining good brain function.

Get Enough Sleep

Good sleep is necessary for memory consolidation and cognitive performance. To encourage restful sleep, seniors should set a regular sleep routine and strive for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Establishing a soothing bedtime routine, abstaining from technology and caffeine before bed, and making sure the sleeping environment is comfortable can all improve the quality of sleep.

Manage Stress

It’s important to develop appropriate techniques to control stress levels because prolonged stress can have a negative impact on brain function. Seniors can decompress and lower their stress levels by practicing techniques like yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, and spending time in nature. Elder care can also remind them to take time out for self-care activities that support emotional stability and relaxation.

Even though there will be some aspect of cognitive decline as seniors’ age increases, that does not mean they can’t incorporate tips and tricks to get the most out of their brain health. With elder care by their side and their loved ones support, seniors can continue to enjoy a high quality of life long into their older years.


If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Orinda, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.

Why Do Seniors Get Cold So Easily?

Aging bodies undergo a variety of different changes that make it tougher to regulate temperature properly. That can sometimes mean that seniors find themselves feeling cold more often. Feeling cold can cause seniors to be uncomfortable and might even make it more difficult for them to stay as healthy as they should. Feeling cold all the time also affects how well seniors are able to manage chronic health issues, which is a big problem. Senior home care providers can help aging adults manage temperature regulation and stay comfortable.

Challenges Due to Aging

Aging itself is responsible for a great many of the challenges seniors experience with temperature regulation. Metabolisms slow down and circulation changes as well. These changes affect how well the body distributes heat, especially in the extremities.

Underlying Health Conditions

Some health issues that seniors tend to experience can contribute to feeling cold easily. Diabetes, anemia, thyroid issues, and heart conditions can all be a part of the problem. Keeping these conditions under better control can help with temperature regulation. But it’s also important to realize that some medications that are meant to help with these issues can also have side effects that impact temperature regulation.

Decreased Activity Levels

Very often seniors are less active as they age than they were when they were younger. That decrease in physical activity can contribute to feeling colder more often. Physical activity helps to generate heat in the body, which helps the body maintain its core temperature. When seniors are more sedentary, it’s more difficult for their bodies to generate the heat they need.

Decreased Appetite

Many aging adults don’t eat a lot of food and this can cause issues with temperature regulation. Poor nutrition and eating fewer calories than they truly need affects both energy levels and metabolism. Dehydration is another issue seniors battle and getting too little water may have more trouble with circulation as well as feeling colder.

Keeping Seniors Warmer

There are lots of ways seniors can stay warmer and more comfortable. Layering clothing and maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the house helps. It also helps a great deal for home care providers to help seniors eat nutritious meals regularly. Senior home care providers can also monitor seniors to see how well they’re doing overall. When home care providers notice signs that seniors are more sedentary than usual or that they are experiencing other challenges that could cause them to feel colder than usual, they can help seniors find solutions for those problems.

A variety of different factors can cause seniors to feel colder than they should. The key is for family caregivers to determine what could be contributing to the problem so that they can solve those issues. Senior home care providers can help considerably with this goal, helping aging adults to be as comfortable as possible. Feeling warmer and avoiding cold-related health issues improves overall well-being and quality of life, making it easier for seniors to live the lives they want while they age in place.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Clayton, CA, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Walnut Creek. (925) 203-3039.